Tens or Better Strategy
Here are the general strategy. Keep any hand that already pays. Possible exceptions are (in decreasing value):
- Hold four card Royal Flushes to make Straights or Flushes.
- Four card straight flushes, inside or outside.
- High card Pairs.
- Three card Royal Flushes.
- Four card Flushes.
- Low Pairs rank here, trying to build Three Of A Kind.
- Four card Flushes.
- Four card Straights. Hold inside Straights only if you've got three or more high cards (A, K, Q, J, 10).
Follow this general strategy in order of preference:
- Keep any two suited high cards. Discard unsuited high cards.
- Four mixed-suit high cards:
-keep any three suited, toss the unsuited.
-otherwise, keep them all. - Three unsuited high cards:
-keep all three of K-Q-J.
-with A-K-J or A-Q-J, discard the A. - Keep any two unsuited high cards.
- Keep any single high card (A, K, Q, J, 10).
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